Friday, January 22, 2016

Secret to Heart Living: When the Mind is Quiet


Notice that when the mind is quiet, often the first thing you feel is anxiousness, restlessness. Notice the urge to constantly be doing something. This is why meditation is so difficult for people. You meditate because you want to relax but instead the opposite occurs! Instead of feeling peace, you become frustrated, and I wonder how many people quickly abandon meditation because of this?
Blue-hearts-butterfly-8-1You may feel you’re doing something wrong because you feel anxiety when you were expecting peace, or you believe you’re simply unable to still your mind. However, this isn’t the case at all, and the fact that you’re feeling this restlessness, this constant desire to be doing something, is the first step to overcoming it.
One may be led to believe that the restlessness was brought about by the meditation, but it was actually there before you even started, you just weren’t aware. The mind combats this feeling by staying constantly busy, always doing doing doing. The mind is constantly restless, and moments of real Peace are few and far between. Real stillness has become something foreign, and this constant anxiousness has become “normal”. Of course, because it’s “normal” now people are barely aware of how much stress is in their life, especially because of the way our society deals with this anxiety, through distraction.
Meditation-CoreNobody wants to feel anxious, it’s unpleasant, but the way anxiousness is normally dealt with doesn’t eliminate it at all, it just masks it over. People keep themselves very very busy all day long, always something that needs doing. Work, school, chores, television, internet, all of this is often nothing more than a distraction, avoidance. Subconsciously, people want to know themselves, but collectively, we keep looking outside. In our society we place huge value on the external, so what you do largely defines who you are.
To anyone who’s really done some soul-searching the absurdity of this should be obvious. What you do is superficial, you can’t really know a person based upon their job or their hobbies. While those things may reflect something of what they’ve discovered and developed within themselves, their real being transcends all of that.
2586469So the question becomes, how do you get deeper? It’s so simple, yet so difficult because our whole society is based upon denying this deeper sense of self. We’ve created a million ways of distracting ourselves from our authentic feelings and only a handful of ways of getting back in touch with them, though in truth there’s only one way, and that is you. Even all of the various spiritual techniques and practices very easily turn into dry ritual, and then they’re just another distraction. No two people are the same, yet people try to promote this one-size-fits-all type of spirituality!
There’s no escape from those feelings of restless and anxiousness that come when you begin to get in touch with what you’re really feeling. In fact trying to escape those feelings is what makes them so powerful. Anxiety is born of avoidance, and while constant distractions may mask it, they also make it stronger.
yogaDon’t just believe this, make sure you experience it for yourself. Can you really just be still, and do nothing? What happens when you try? For most, one of two things will happen, there will quickly be the urge to go and do something else, or they will get lost in thinking. Both are forms of distraction, we really lack the ability to just be still and feel. Simply feeling without thinking, the simplest thing in the world, yet a lifetime of doing otherwise has made it ridiculously difficult. Something a baby can do effortlessly, yet near impossible for an adult.
If anything is important in life, it’s this ability to simply Be. It may seem trivial, even lazy, but it’s truly neither of those things. It may seem completely ineffective, like you’re doing nothing, but that’s not the case either. When you’re simply Being, you stop feeding into the chaos of the world. You take a pause, and in that moment you can choose a new direction, you’re no longer living unconsciously. Living from that place of Being is how one can really make positive change, within and without. It’s not an exclusion of all that doing, in fact it breathes new life into everything you do.
Let us know in the comments what tricks you use to quiet your mind so that you can experience the world with your heart! Thank you for reading.
Article Shared with Permission from the Galactic Free Press, Article written by Will. 


10 Life Changing Movies You Need to See Before You Die

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Good art has the power to change lives. From the way we view important issues to our understanding of complex feelings like love, much of the way we view the world is affected by our consumption of various forms of art at certain impressionable times in our lives. Today, let’s focus on movies.
What you’ll find on this list is a collection of 10 movies that can alter your perception of not only pop culture but your view of your place in life and the world itself.
So grab your popcorn and let’s dig in!

1. Donnie Darko

Donnie Darko is a cult classic by Richard Kelly that revolves around a troubled teen who is pressured by a monstrous rabbit to perform various dangerous pranks.
Donnie Darko is incredibly fascinating for its exploration of multiple realities and parallel universes. The film, like many good ones, is subject to individual interpretation and is still studied and dissected today.

2. The Matrix

The Matrix is a classic that anyone getting into mind bending films absolutely has to watch. The film throws main character Neo into a spiritual awakening in which he discovers that he has been a slave to ‘the matrix’ for his entire life. It really calls into question the way we understand society and the world at large.

3. Waking Life

Waking Life is full of thought-provoking questions that revolve around concepts such as the nature of reality. The animated movie is really mind bending, with the line between reality and dreams incredibly blurred.
Each character in the film throws many philosophical questions into the mix. The movie takes on the appearance of an intense acid trip.

4. Cloud Atlas

Cloud Atlas is quite an ambitious and massive movie, with several interwoven storylines that span centuries. It explores how actions of individuals, good and bad, impact future generations and storylines.
The movie is also quite bold for exploring the idea of reincarnation, quite an unconventional theory. It’s a good film to sit and watch if you’d like to ponder.

5. Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring is a Korean movie following a monk on his journey to a monastery. The man passes through ‘seasons’ of his life from childhood to senior years.
The changing seasons serve as beautiful metaphors and compliment the storyline, shifting based on lessons and experiences the main character is facing. There’s not much dialogue in the film but it doesn’t need it – the imagery and power of the few characters bring quite a few elements of the human experience into play from love to jealousy and suicide.

6. Samsara

Samsara translates to continuous flow and, in the context of this film, refers to the cycle of life and death.
The film tackles the massive concept of life and death with breathtaking images that jumps from theme to theme in a beautiful way.
You may find that this movie causes you to realize many things about the human experience that you don’t get to due to the fast paced nature of the world we live in.

7. Detachment

Detachment follows the lives of several people through the eyes of one Henry Barthes, whose own life is turned upside down by three women; a prostitute, fellow teacher and troubled teen.
Each woman helps Barthes come to grips with various events in his life, such as his mother’s suicide and grandfather’s worsening health.
The film also serves as a very powerful commentary on the education system.

8. Her

Image: Warner Brothers
Her follows Theodore, a middle aged man who discovers an artificially-intelligent operating system and meets the woman behind the voice of it. He finds himself falling in love with this woman and the film sees him trying to figure out where his desire for her is really coming from.
The film deals heavily with just how technology-obsessed we as a culture have become and raises many related questions we should all consider.

9. Fight Club

Fight Club is one of my favourites – mine and just about everyone in my age group’s, that is.
The movie dives into many complex topics, such as the nature of consumerism and the emptiness therein. It also raises many questions related to the nature of identity and the state of humanity.
It’s also got one of the best movie endings I’ve ever seen.

10. Life Is Beautiful

Life Is Beautiful captures the power of optimism and perception. A father tries to protect his son during WWII. The movie also shows us the beauty of innocence through the eyes of the boy in the film.
Feature picture: Another incredible movie: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.


This Ginger Juice Bomb Cures Cold And Flu Symptoms

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Ginger’s reputation as a medicinal herb spans over two millennia, with the plant being used for everything from treating nausea and indigestion to boosting the immune system.
Before I show you an awesome recipe for a ginger drink, let’s explore in more detail the benefits that the herb can have on your body.
Ginger has cancer-fighting properties. It’s been noted to be a huge help in preventing colon cancer as well as ovarian cancer.
This is attributed to the appropriately named active ingredient in ginger called gingerol, which is responsible for the herb’s tumor-suppressing abilities.
Ginger can help keep your digestive system running smoothly. It does this through the enzyme zingibain, which is linked to increased protein absorption. Ginger is also great for soothing nausea and seasickness.
Ginger helps with joint inflammation, making it great if you’ve got arthritis or joint pain. This is due to the anti-inflammatory properties of gingerol.
And now on to the good stuff – a recipe you can use to harvest the power of ginger for yourself!
For this recipe, you’ll need:
  • A one-inch slice of ginger root
  • One fresh lemon
  • Juice from 5 or 6 lemons
  • One apple
To make this drink, simply juice all ingredients and strain the mixture using a nut milk bag. Voila! That simple. Enjoy!


How to Communicate Through Silence


The truth is, silence plays a crucial role in just about every encounter we make with other humans.
For starters, it can move the conversation along.
First dates, business meetings and intense idea proposals – these are all instances in which silence can be almost painful.
Why? Because it leaves room for thought. It forces one party to say something that moves the conversation along.
This is only as awkward as you make it. It’s not the worst thing in the world to leave a few seconds of silence in a conversation in order to see what the other person has to say.
According to research, four seconds is all it takes to build the tension you want.
Silence can also make it clear that you disagree or are feeling hostile towards the speaker.
In this case, the silence can be metaphorical. Think of the way politicians behave when asked a question they don’t want to answer. Do they stop talking entirely?
No – rather, they remain silent on the issue that was raised and talk about something else.
Silence in this case can also refer to a lack of action. Don’t agree with a particular ideology or movement?
Another way in which you can speak loud and clear with your silence is in expressing respect or awe.
From seeing your partner in a new outfit to seeing a mind blowing movie ending for the first time, there are many scenarios in which you can express just how blown away you are without saying a word.
In many cases, our words can simply not express the power of these moments – it’s much better to just let the air hang.
Silence can also be an incredibly effective way of communicating sympathy. What could you possibly say to someone who just lost their wife and child in a car accident?
There are a million things to say that could make them feel worse – sitting with them in silence and communicating sympathy through your body language just might be a better move.
To wrap things up, you can’t be a good conversationalist without first acknowledging and learning to harness the power of silence. Arriving at the place where you can do so will make you so much more of an empathetic, relatable and meaningful communicator.


5 Famous Mystical Texts That Promote Magical Abilities


Evidence from history suggests that humans have always been fascinated by mysticism, magic, enlightenment, and other supernatural phenomena. There are several historical texts that were once seen as the key to harnessing these powers, some of which will be represented here:

Liber Juratus

The ‘Sworn Book of Honorius‘ is a medieval grimoire to which Honorius of Thebes has been given credit. It is one of the oldest and influential books of magic of its day.
The Liber Juratus has strict rules associated with it. According to the text, no more than three copies of the book can be made, and one must take it to their grave if a suitable magician cannot be found to inherit it. The company of women is also forbidden to its practitioners.
The rituals outlined within focus on summoning spirits, demons and angels who might teach the practitioner their knowledge. Many supernatural powers are promised to those who repeat the lengthy spells, such as knowledge of one’s date of death, and the ability to cause floods, sickness, discord and death.


BookOriginally written in Arabic with the title Gh?yat al-?ak?mh, the Picatrix is an 11th century periodical containing 400 pages of astrological magic and theory.
It is infamous for its magical potion recipes, which include such gruesome ingredients as brain matter, blood, sperm, ear wax, feces, urine as well as psychoactive plants such as opium and hashish.
For their trouble, the brave adherent might expect to achieve such powers as the ability to channel energy from the planets and resurrect your own zombie army.

Papyri Graecae Magicae

thiskidisexperiencingamagicalbookThe Greek Magical Papyri are a series of texts from 2nd century BC to 5th century AD Greco-Roman Egypt, the best known of which is the Mithras Liturgy, which outlines the mystic ascent of the soul through seven stages, or grades, and how to communicate with the god Mithras.
Perhaps the most common spells of these works are for visions of the future, one of the most well-known of which purports to forecast near-future events using an ‘iron lampstead,’ frankincense and an ‘uncorrupted and pure’ child. Otherwise included are summoning spells, instructions for opening paths to the underworld, and how one might gain the assistance of a spiritual entity.


seriouslymagicbookThe Icelandic Book of Magic is a small collection of 47 spells edited by four different authors between the 16th and 17th centuries. The manuscript was not translated until 1921, into Swedish, and was not translated into English until 1989.
The power of the magic is derived mainly from Icelandic magical staves, or (simply) runes. Many of the spells within are prophylactic, intended to prevent maladies such as trouble in childbirth, insomnia, headache, pestilence, problems while seafaring, or prior magic. There are also spells of aggression, outlining how the mystic might incite fear, kill animals, catch thieves, or cause flatulence, drowsiness and bewitchment in others.

The Pseudomonarchia Daedonum

The Hierarchy of Demons is attributed to Johann Weyer, an influential physician and occultist. it first appears as an appendix to the larger work, Praestigiis Daemonum, which was celebrated by Sigmund Freud as one of the top ten most significant books of all time.
The text catalogs 69 demons of hell’s hierarchy, what they do, and how to conjure and employ them. Weyer was a devout Christian and therefore quite cautionary about utilizing these demons, even omitting details in the rituals. However, an enterprising magician might be able to decipher how to use these creatures to assist in such things as improving one’s cunning, finding lost treasures, turning water into wine, or seeing the future.
